
Established in 1993, WT Microelectronics is a leading professional service provider focusing on the global semiconductor distribution industry. By providing superior supply chain management services to both vendors and customers, WT has successfully positioned itself as a pivotal liaison, bridging upstream and downstream partners. Aiming to co-define the product marketing strategy with the upstream vendors as well as to reduce R&D pipeline for the downstream customers, WT has persistently strengthened its capability to create value added services throughout the supply chain.

Headquartered in Taiwan, WT has an extensive marketing and sales channel with over 40 regional offices in China, Korea, Singapore, India, Thailand and Malaysia.

In the past decades, WT has accumulated a strong technology capability and has excelled at future trend interpretation. To deliver the optimized services to its business partners, WT has been fully devoted to facilitating the application of upstream components into comprehensive solutions for electronics devices.

WT currently serves as the distribution partner for over 40 global leading semiconductor partners and provides services to over 5,000 quality customers. The products being carried are broadly used in various fields including communication, computing, consumer electronics, industry & instrument and automotive. Operating at a solid and steady pace, WT’s annual sales for 2014 grew past the century billion mark, totaling NT$ 107.77 billion.

– 供應鏈物流管理
– 提供加值型技術服務
– 縮短研發時程
– 協助產品定義
– 蒐集市場資訊


在競爭激烈的電子資訊業中,文曄科技扮演專業技術電子零組件通路商之角色,為電子科技業上下游間最佳橋樑,除即時交貨且不斷提升服務品質外,更以「支援下 游客戶縮短研發時程、協助上游供應商進行產品定義」之技術導向為定位,已成為客戶降低成本及供應商蒐集市場資訊之幕後功臣,具有通路商高度之附加價值。



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Sed sodales in purus non porttitor pellen tesque neque eget diam posuere porta.


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Sed sodales in purus faucibus purus unde non malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in dolor.